Friday, October 30, 2015

SOM week (SOAB week)

Before the SOAB or SOM week started we had a class first. Then we went down at 9am for the parade. As you can see in the picture there are some girls dancing at the front. The courses that are related to business are at the back. We walked from school and Lapu Lapu. It was very so hot, I even used my umbrella while we are walking. 

After the parade, we gathered at the parking lot. The APC DC danced and entertained us. They were interviewed and they are competing on November. Then after that there was a pageant and the candidates for Mr. and Mrs. SOAB was introduced.

The parade was finished around 11:30. After the parade my friends and I went to the gym to watch the basketball game of BM and MA. The MA was leading at the first quarter but the BM played better in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter. My boyfriend is part of BM, i was cheering for him also. We are all cheering and rooting for BM to win. They played well, so they won the game :) They also compete with TM, it was really a close fight and again BM won. So their standing is 2-0 and also the AC. Thats why AC and BM were playing for the championship game. 

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